Thursday 24 July 2014

Living Abroad- Makes or Breaks You!

Many things change forever when you live abroad, and regardless of how much you think they won't these are inevitable. The first few years you seem to be on a rollercoaster of emotions, where you learn, develop and grow.

You evolve, feel homesick and begin to build a life, I have been on this rock for nearly nine years and oh how my life has changed! So, my top things that have changed since I lived abroad are:

My ability to hold a conversation in more than one language is amazing, I find myself saying random words, often in the wrong language at different times. Learning and understanding a new language can be tough, and often it is the basics and swear words that you learn first.

Learning to never get attached to people may seem harsh, however, far too many are simply passing through. I have learnt the ability to bond, but to also let go when necessary. Friends come and go, people who were important move on and build new lives.

Normality has been removed from my life, as the word "normal" is what society want us to conform to everyday. I have learnt there are other ways of doing things, which have now become why world. You learn a huge amount about yourself, and your character when you are thrown into difficult situations everyday.

Nostalgia brings you back to earth with a bump when you least expect it, and the overwhelming feeling of being homesick can be hard. It may be a song, a smell or even a food that transports you back to an old life. There are times when I want to return, even for a minute to share that feeling with people that I miss.

Change is something that you either embrace or it will destroy your dreams, everything changes when you move abroad. it shakes up your world, provides challenges and brings out your fears. I found tackling this head on, was the best way to get through!

With all that said, would I go back, nope never....I may miss the shoes, the shopping, the endless lunches with friends that I thought would be there forever. However, these are all a distant memory as we have built a new life, where I can honestly say I am far happier than I ever was in the UK.

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